covid 19 PCR certificate for JAPAN

As of 5 August 2020, if you hold an appropriate resident visa (zairyu-shikaku) for Japan, you are permitted to enter with a certificate stating that you are negative for Covid 19. Please refer to Embassy of Japan for details.
You need:
Appropriate (PRIVATE) referral to have Covid PCR test within 72 hours of departure.
*PCR performed under medicare will NOT be accepted to provide a certificate.
COVID-19 certificate process:
1. Telehealth
2. PCR referral given
3. attend PCR at selected site
4. certificate issued (PDF)
Fee: A$300.00 all inclusive
Please note that pathology companies cannot guarantee 72 hour turnaround, given the current Melbourne situation. I passed on this information to the relevant authorities.
In case of any delay in processing of results, as an Embassy approved certifier, I will issue a letter that a PCR test was carried out accordingly.
I have made arrangements with Melbourne pathology and Dorevitch pathology.
Please select the most convenient location. Depending on the site, an appointment may be necessary.
Dorevitch covid 19 dedicated collection centre
Melbourne Pathology COVID-19 dedicated collection centre
Please make an appointment to see me via telehealth at least 1 week before your departure.
Collins Street Medical Centre 03 9654 6088 for COVID PCR test certificate.
オーストラリア大使館公認 COVID19検査結果陰性証明書
過去14日の渡航歴またはホットスポットの滞在歴がなく、COVID19感染者との濃厚接触がない方、無症状の方、過去14日以内にCOVIDを疑う症状などがなかったを方を対象に簡単な問診後、COVID19 PCR検査を行い、陰性の場合は証明書を発行いたします。
オンライン問診後、PCR指示書をメールにて送信。PCR検査は指定検査機関 こちらのサイトDorevitch Pathology - COVID testing siteにまたはMelbourne pathology -COVID Testing Centre 実施